
Goals for 2023-2024 Academic Year

1)    Create one-, three-, and five-year enrollment recovery goals. (SD 5; CCC 1.3)

·       Make data-informed scheduling decisions, allowing room for growth and recovery for key programs. Current FTES enrollment growth targets: of 3% increase in FTES and 5% in productivity each semester over the prior year.

2)    Increase stability, transparency, and diversification of college funds. (SD 5; CCC 1.2, 2.2)

·       Acquire grants that address a variety of areas across campus programs but align with current initiatives (no mission creep)

·       Seek funding opportunities that will enhance SCFF student success metrics.

·       Launch more community-focused programming (such as College for Kids). 

·       Continue to fully integrate the program review and budget allocation processes.

·       Increase fundraising by CCC Foundation to support co-curricular programs.

·       Address funding, budget practices, and cash handling procedures. 

3)    Improve completion while decreasing equity gaps for Black, Latinx, and low-income students (English, Math, transfer). (SD 1; SD 2; CCC 2.1, 3.2, 3.4)

·       Monitor the continued implementation and operationalization of the Student Equity Plan and Guided Pathways, and college-wide strategies that center racial equity. 

·       Build college-wide capacity in data training, usability, and analysis through participation in Achieving the Dream and the establishment of core and data teams. 

·       Schedule professional development activities with ATD coaches and include them in All College Day Fall 2023. 

4) Improve community awareness of CCC as the preferred option for academic and career preparation in our service area. (SD 3; CCC 3.1)

·       Continue targeted awareness campaigns in English and Spanish, add other languages.

·       Expand successful events such as Comet Day and Technology Day with high school students to introduce CCC’s pathways and “Light the Fire” activities.

·       Present how CCC programming meets current and emergent labor market needs to local city councils, workforce development boards.

·       Connect with a greater number of local and regional employers to encourage their participation on CCC CTE program advisory boards

·       Review possible expansion of Early College Credit offerings with WCCUSD for all six comprehensive high schools, as well as a 6-12 West County International Mandarin School with a dual enrollment component. 

5) Employ equity-based and “belonging” strategies to retain college employees. (SD 4; CCC 1.4, 2.4)

·       Promote clear career pathways, professional development plans, promoting conference attendance, mentor-mentee matching, exit interviews and “stay” interviews, additional training for managers, regular forums to promote communication and feedback to leadership, remove fear from evaluation process.