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HomeAboutNewsHow the CCC Foundation Cares: 120 Laptops Purchased for Students’ Remote Learning During Pandemic

How the CCC Foundation Cares: 120 Laptops Purchased for Students’ Remote Learning During Pandemic

CCC Students

On March 15, CCC’s campus was officially closed due to the rapid spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). All classes were converted into an online format so that students could continue their classes remotely.

For many CCC students who rely on campus computer labs and library computers, access to computers is a huge issue.

In a Zoom meeting on March 18, the CCC Foundation stepped up.

“The Board of the CCC Foundation wanted to help however we could,” shared Board Chair, Eric Zell. “At our meeting, it came to our attention that many students needed laptops. So, we immediately approved allocating $33,000 for Chromebooks to keep some students on track in their classes, as best as we can at this hard time.”

The Foundation purchased 120 Chromebooks for students to check out. The IT Department is now doing its best to set them up and get them into students’ hands, which has been challenging given the Governor’s shelter-in-place mandate.

“It’s important that in these difficult times, students can continue their classes as smoothly as possible, and know that their community really cares about them,” said Sara Marcellino, Director of the CCC Foundation. “Thanks to the generosity of so many of our donors, we were able to access funds immediately after the campus closure and come together during this crisis to provide students with some support to continue their educational journeys.”

With the ever-evolving situation right now, the Foundation will keep its ear to the ground over the coming months and look for other ways to help. Wrap-Around emergency funds will continue to be distributed, as will other funds. Please consider a donation to the Wrap-Around, our emergency student fund, to support CCC students in this time of need.