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HomeAboutNewsCCC’s Lorena Gonzalez Is Committed to Marginalized and Minoritized Students

CCC’s Lorena Gonzalez Is Committed to Marginalized and Minoritized Students

Lorena Gonzalez

UC Berkeley’s Voices Blog is shining the spotlight on CCC’s Lorena Gonzalez!

Professor Gonzalez recently completed a certificate in Student Affairs and Higher Education at the university, in order to better serve her students at CCC.

When asked about her commitment to community colleges, here’s what she had to say:

“I feel that the community college is the ‘fork in the road’ for a lot of marginalized and minoritized students: They’re asking themselves if they’re going to keep with school or go straight to work. I feel that the most impact can be made there.

“Community colleges really emphasize the ‘community’ part in our system’s name. We get the high school graduates and the stay-at-home moms who are wanting to learn English, the recently paroled where education is part of their probation, the students who are transitioning from cash aid to paid employment.”

So for the past 23 years, Lorena has committed herself to not only providing counseling support to the students at College of San Mateo and at Contra Costa College, but also as a professor in the La Raza Studies department.

Lorena was also doing some contracting work with Puente Project housed at UC Berkeley to supplement her income as she is a proud, single mamá bear of three.

You can read the entire piece over at the UC Berkeley Voices Blog!