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HomeAbout CCCInstitutional Effectiveness

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Equity operates through a framework rooted in growth mindset, a strength-based approach centered on students, and an unflinching commitment to equity, especially concerning the elimination of barriers to college access, success, and completion. This office supports institutional efforts to help construct and maintain a culture of continuous improvement in instructional effectiveness, student service, and leadership through the development of studies and evaluation methods to improve institutional effectiveness and student success at Contra Costa College.

Institutional Effectiveness Team

Federal Education Data

U.S. Department of Education College Scorecard – provides students access to data on the cost of college, fields of study, student body demographics, and institutional graduation & retention rates.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) College Navigator – provides a “college profile” to learn more about student enrollment, degrees, graduation rates, and financial aid.

State Community College Data

California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) Data Mart – provides information about students, courses, student services, outcomes, faculty and staff.

CCCCO Student Success Scorecard – provides data on student progress and success metrics, including how colleges are doing in remedial instruction, job training programs, retention of students and graduation and completion rates.

CCCCO Launch Board, Student Success Metrics – provides data on progress, success, employment, and earnings outcomes for California community college students. View student progression along various educational journeys, from recruitment to completion, transfer, and the workforce. 

Transfer Data

CSU Transfer Data – provides data on California Community College transfers to the CSU system by Institution of origin, Major and Concertation, and Race/Ethnicity.

UC Transfers Data – provides data on California Community College transfer to the UC system by Major Name, Federal CIP Category, and Community College.

K-12 Data

DATA Quest (California Department of Education) – provides data on enrollment demographics, graduation rates, A-G completion rates, dropout rates, Physical Fitness Test, and English Learner progress.

Ed-data (CDE, EdSource, & FCMAT) – provides state, county, district, and school level reports covering topics such as students, staffing, finances, and performance rankings.

California School Dashboard  – provides data on suspension rates, graduation rates, college and career progress, chronic absenteeism, English Learner progress, English language arts achievement, and mathematics achievement.

WCCUSD Data Dashboards – web-based and interactive, dashboards provide visibility into key measures for WCCUSD through simple graphics such as charts and tables.

District-Wide (4CD) + College-Specific Data

Consumer Information

4CD Fingertip Facts

College Quick Facts

4CD Distance Education Strategic Plan 2017-2022  

Enrollment and Success of Recent High School Graduates  

4CD 2018 Economic Impact Report

4CD 2017 Environmental Scan

4CD Workforce Diversity Data Reports

Guided Pathways

CCCCO Launch Board, Guided Pathways – provides data on progress for key performance indicators for California community college students.

Guided Pathways and Student Success: Connecting the Data to Tell Our Students’ Story | Presentation to GP Steering Committee  (July 15, 2020) 

RP Group Guided Pathways Resources  

Early Momentum Metrics: Leading Indicators for Community College Improvement | CCRC Report (July 2019) 

Basic Needs

National League of Cities (NLC) “Community of Practice on Addressing the Basic Needs of Postsecondary Students” Initiative | Press Release (October 5, 2020)  

California Higher Education Basic Needs Alliance (CHEBNA) 2020 Summit | Conference Presentation “Building Partnerships to Address Student Food Insecurity”   (February 2020)

Student Basic Needs Security at Contra Costa College | CCC Division Meetings Presentation (Spring 2020)

2018 #REALCOLLEGE Survey School Report For Contra Costa College | HOPE Center Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice  

COVID-19 Research Reports

4CD Student Survey for Fall 2021 Courses and Services Preference Report  (April 2021)

CCCCO & RP Group COVID-19 Student Impact Survey

Student Success Committee Research Updates (Summer 2020)

Research and Higher Education Professional Association Resources (Quick Links)

The RP Group

The California Association for Institutional Research (CAIR)

Community College Research Center (CCRC) at Teachers College, Columbia University

The Campaign for College Opportunity

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), Higher Education Center

Community College League of California

Can’t find the data you’re looking for? Please submit a “Research Service Request form” using the following steps:

Step 1: Log in to InSite

Step 2: Select the “Resources” tile

Step 3: Select “District Research Service Request form” from the list

Step 4: Follow prompts to complete the form.

Data Coaching Resources

How to install Virtual Private Network (VPN) software  [STEP 1]

How to connect to VPN AFTER you install Software [STEP 2]  

4CD Tableau Training Guide August 2020 

District Research Service Request Form (Template)

Data Coaching 101: Available Tools @ CCC | Flex Presentation Slides (Jan 20, 2021)