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Credit for Prior Learning

HomeAdmissions + Records OfficeCredit for Prior Learning

Credit for prior learning is college credit awarded for college-validated knowledge and skills gained outside the classroom. The District is committed to ensuring equitable access and assessment with regard to credit for prior learning.

Determination of Eligibility to Receive Credit for Prior Learning

Credit for Prior Learning may be obtained by one of the following methods:

The determination to offer and award credit for prior learning rest solely on the discretion of the discipline faculty. The nature and content of assessments will be determines by faculty in the discipline who normally teach the course for which credit is being granted.

Upon a student’s demonstration of sufficient mastery through and examination or assessment, an award of credit should be made, if possible, to:

Credits acquired be assessment for prior learning will not be counted in determining the 12 semester hours of credit in residence required for an Associate degree. Additionally, credit for prior learning cannot be used to fulfill any requirements for federal financial aid.

Prior Learning Grading and Transcription

Procedures for Students to Obtain Credit for Prior Learning

Students may request credit for prior learning by completing an educational plan and submitting a Petition for Credit for Prior Learning form to the Admissions and Records Office.

A student who requests credit for prior learning, is a veteran, is an active-duty member of the armed forces, and/or holds industry-recognized credentials will be referred to the college’s authority for assessment of prior learning upon completion of an educational plan.

Approved Standardized Examinations

Students requesting credit for prior learning using Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and/or College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) may receive credit for earning a satisfactory score in the following circumstances:

Credit by Examination

Students requesting credit by examination may receive credit for satisfactory completion of an examination administered by a college department in lieu of completion of a course listed in the catalog under the following conditions:

The determination to offer credit by examination rests solely on the discretion of discipline faculty. A separate examination will be conducted for each course for which credit is being grated.

Credits acquired by examination are not applicable for meeting such unit load requirements as Selective Service deferment, Veteran’s or Social Security benefits.

Industry-Recognized Credentials

Students interested in credit for prior learning using industry-recognized credential(s) will receive credit as recommended by the appropriate department chair or faculty designee. The knowledge and skills validated by the industry-recognized credential(s) must align with the content of the course for which credit is being requested. Credit will be awarded under the following circumstances:

Military Service/Training

Students interested in credit for prior learning using Joint Services Transcripts shall receive credit as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) Directory and approved by the appropriate discipline faculty of the college under the following circumstances:

Student-Created Portfolio Assessment

Students interested in credit for prior learning using a student-created portfolio shall receive credit as recommended by the appropriate department chair or faculty designee under the following circumstances: