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Academic Renewal

Academic Renewal Petitions require an appointment with a Counselor. Please book a Counseling appointment for Academic Renewal through the Counseling Webpage.

Students must meet with a counselor to review options to Academic Renewal, as this procedure is irreversible.

Substandard grades may be excluded from GPA calculation if they do not reflect your demonstrated academic ability– this is called “Academic Renewal”.

If Academic Renewal is approved, your permanent record will be noted with Academic Renewal comments and the renewed units will be removed. The renewed course(s) will remain on the record, as the district is required to show the student’s complete and accurate academic record.

Students must meet with a counselor to review the Academic Renewal policy and options since the process is not reversible.  Courses that have been academically renewed cannot be used for graduation purposes.  Additionally, courses used to graduate cannot be academically renewed.

For more information please schedule an appointment to meet with your counselor.

Alpha Gamma Sigma

Alpha Gamma Sigma is the California community college honor society. All life members of the California Scholarship Federation and those who graduated with a minimum grade point average of 3.5 at the high school level are eligible for temporary membership during their first term at Contra Costa College.

Initial membership is attained by completing 12 term units in a maximum of three terms with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0. Permanent status is achieved by maintaining membership and a high grade point average.

Credit for Prior Learning

Credit for prior learning is college credit awarded for college-validated knowledge and skills gained outside the classroom. The District is committed to ensuring equitable access and assessment with regard to credit for prior learning.

Determination of Eligibility to Receive Credit for Prior Learning
  • The student must be currently registered in the college, in good standing, and have a current educational plan on file.
  • Credit may be awarded for prior experience or prior learning only for individually identified courses with subject matter similar to that of the individual’s prior learning.
  • The course must be listed in the current college catalog.
  • The course must be designated as eligible for credit for prior learning by members of the division faculty and approved by the Instruction/Curriculum Committee.
  • The assessment must have been approved by faculty in the course or program involved.

Credit for Prior Learning may be obtained by one of the following methods:

  • Achievement of a satisfactory score on an Advanced Placement (AP) examination administered by the College Entrance Examination Board
  • Achievement of a satisfactory score on a high-level International Baccalaureate (IB) examination
  • Achievement of a satisfactory score on the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) examination
  • Evaluation of Joint Services Transcripts
  • Evaluation of a student-created portfolio
  • Evaluation of industry-recognized credential documentation
  • Satisfactory completion of an examination administered by the college in lieu of completion of a course listed in the college catalog
  • Achievement of an examination administered by other agencies approved by the college
  • Assessment approved or conducted by proper authorities of the college

The determination to offer and award credit for prior learning rest solely on the discretion of the discipline faculty. The nature and content of assessments will be determines by faculty in the discipline who normally teach the course for which credit is being granted.

Upon a student’s demonstration of sufficient mastery through and examination or assessment, an award of credit should be made, if possible, to:

  • California Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)
  • California State University General Education (CSUGE) Breadth
  • Local community college general education requirements or requirements for a student’s chose program
  • Electives for students who do not require additional general education or program credits to meet their goals

Credits acquired be assessment for prior learning will not be counted in determining the 12 semester hours of credit in residence required for an Associate degree. Additionally, credit for prior learning cannot be used to fulfill any requirements for federal financial aid.

Prior Learning Grading and Transcription
  • Grading will be according to the regular grading system, as specified in Curriculum and Instruction Procedure 4001.
  • Students will be offered a “pass-no pass” option if that option is ordinarily available for the course.
  • Students will be given the opportunity to accept, decline, or appeal the grade assigned by faculty.
  • The student’s academic record will be clearly annotated to reflect that credit was earned through an assessment of prior learning.
Procedures for Students to Obtain Credit for Prior Learning

Students may request credit for prior learning by completing an educational plan and submitting a Petition for Credit for Prior Learning form to the Admissions and Records Office.

A student who requests credit for prior learning, is a veteran, is an active-duty member of the armed forces, and/or holds industry-recognized credentials will be referred to the college’s authority for assessment of prior learning upon completion of an educational plan.

Approved Standardized Examinations

Students requesting credit for prior learning using Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and/or College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) may receive credit for earning a satisfactory score in the following circumstances:

  • Official AP, IB, and/or CLEP transcripts are on file in the Admissions and Records Office
  • The student achieved a minimum acceptable score on the examination as specified in the college catalog
Credit by Examination

Students requesting credit by examination may receive credit for satisfactory completion of an examination administered by a college department in lieu of completion of a course listed in the catalog under the following conditions:

  • The student demonstrates that they are qualified, through previous training, experience or instruction, to successfully complete such examination.
  • A student may challenge a course for credit by examination only one time.
  • Students will be charged a fee for the examination equivalent to the enrollment fee for the course.

The determination to offer credit by examination rests solely on the discretion of discipline faculty. A separate examination will be conducted for each course for which credit is being grated.

Credits acquired by examination are not applicable for meeting such unit load requirements as Selective Service deferment, Veteran’s or Social Security benefits.

Industry-Recognized Credentials

Students interested in credit for prior learning using industry-recognized credential(s) will receive credit as recommended by the appropriate department chair or faculty designee. The knowledge and skills validated by the industry-recognized credential(s) must align with the content of the course for which credit is being requested. Credit will be awarded under the following circumstances:

  • The student’s industry-recognized credential is on file in the Admissions and Records Office
  • The discipline faculty has evaluated the industry-recognized credential and verified that it effectively demonstrates sufficient mastery of course content as set forth in the course outline of record.
Military Service/Training

Students interested in credit for prior learning using Joint Services Transcripts shall receive credit as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) Directory and approved by the appropriate discipline faculty of the college under the following circumstances:

  • Official transcripts must be on file in the Admissions and Records Office. These may include but are not limited to Joint Services Transcript (JST), Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript (SMART), Army and American Council on Education Registry Transcript Service (AARTS), Community College of the Air Force (CCAF), Coast Guard Institute (CGI), DANTES/USAFI, Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Transcripts (DLIFLC), Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC), Military Occupational Specialty Code (MOS) , Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC), DLPT Examinee Results, DA Form 330 Language Proficiency Questionnaire, or verified copies of documents such as DD214, DD295, or similar military records.
  • Credit course equivalency shall be determined by the faculty of the appropriate discipline.
Student-Created Portfolio Assessment

Students interested in credit for prior learning using a student-created portfolio shall receive credit as recommended by the appropriate department chair or faculty designee under the following circumstances:

  • A department-approved portfolio assessment rubric for the course is on file.
  • The department char or faculty designee determines that the student-created portfolio adequately measures sufficient mastery of the course content as set forth in the course outline of record.

Dean’s List

Full-time students who achieve a term grade point average of 3.0 or above in 12 or more units of graded courses are placed on the Dean’s List as a recognition of academic achievement.

Graduation with Honors

Students who earn an associate degree are recognized as graduating with honors as follows:

  • Honors Graduate: A student who earns a cumulative grade point average between 3.25 and 3.74 in all degree-applicable courses.
  • President’s Scholar: A student who earns a cumulative grade point average of 3.75 or higher in all degree-applicable courses.

Privacy Rights of Students

Family Educational  Rights  and  Privacy  Act  requires that educational institutions provide students with access to their education records.  Students also have the right to challenge the accuracy  of such records and control to whom these records are released.

Education records include documents and information related to admissions, enrollment in courses, grades and related academic information.

For information on how to access your records contact the Admissions & Records Office.

Academic Standing, Alert + Dismissal


The State of California requires public colleges and universities to abide by the rules and regulations associated with determining a student’s residency status for tuition purposes.  The following residency information is based on the California Code of Regulations and the California Education Code.

In order to establish residence, it is necessary that there be a union of act and intent.  Students wanting California residency for tuition purposes must present documentation of physical presence and provide objective evidence that they intend to make California their home for anything other than a temporary purpose. (5 CCR 54020)

Students are qualified for California residency for tuition purposes if they have resided in the state for one year prior to the “residence determination date”.  The residence determination date is the day immediately preceding the opening day of instruction. (5 CCR 54002)

A residency classification is made at the time of application.  Students seeking California Residency for tuition purposes will be required to present evidence of physical presence in California, intent to make California their home for other than a temporary purpose and if the student was classified as a nonresident in the preceding term, financial independence.

If a student is over the age of 19, has maintained a home outside of California at any time during the last two years, or has engaged in any other activity inconsistent with making California your permanent home, they will be required to provide additional evidence of intent to reside in California.  Students under the age of 19 derive their residency from their parents.

Students seeking California residency for tuition purposes must also show intent to make California their permanent home.  Evidence of intent to make California a permanent home can be provided in a variety of ways.  There must be an absence of residency from any other state.  Some examples of the evidence you may present is California Driver’s License, the filing of California taxes as a resident, registering to vote in California, showing a California address on federal income tax form, and establishing and maintaining active California bank accounts. (5 CCR 54024)

Please click on the following link to complete this form: California Residency Reclassification Form

AB540 & SB 68

California Assembly Bill AB-540 is a California law passed in 2001 which states that undocumented students who meet certain requirements can qualify to be exempt from nonresident tuition at California public colleges and universities.  In 2014 Assembly Bill AB-2000 was passed expanding the definition to allow flexibility for student to meet the requirements.  In January of 2018, Senate Bill SB-68 went into effect which further expands the criteria.  This is very important because it allows eligible undocumented students to pay the in-state tuition rate, rather than the non-resident tuition rate.

Who qualifies for AB-540/AB-2000/SB-68

A student will qualify for this exemption if they meet ALL of the following four requirements:

Requirement 1 – Attendance at California School.

This requirement can be met one of two ways:

  1. Total attendance (or attainment of credit earned) in California is equivalent to three or more years of full-time attendance at California high schools, California adult schools , campuses of the California Community Colleges, or a combination of these;


  1. Three or more years of full-time California high school coursework, and a total of three or more years of attendance in California elementary schools, California secondary schools, or a combination of California elementary and secondary schools.

Full time attendance at a California community college means either 12 units of credit per semester or a minimum of 420 class hours per year in non-credit courses.  Attendance in credit courses at a California community college counted towards this requirement shall not exceed a total of two years of full-time attendance.  Full-time attendance at a California adjust school is also equivalent to 420 class hours of attendance for each school year.

Requirement 2 – Completion of a course of study.

This requirement can be met in any one of the following three ways:

  1. Graduation from a California high school or the equivalent (GED, Proficiency Exam, etc);


  1. Attainment of an associate degree from a California community college;


  1. Fulfillment of the minimum transfer requirements for California State University or University of California.

Requirement 3 – Registration.

Requires registration as an entering student or current enrollment at Contra Costa College.

Requirement 4 – Affidavit of student without lawful immigration status.

Students without lawful immigration status must file an affidavit with Contra Costa College stating that the student has either filed an application to legalize his or her immigration status, or will file an application as soon as he or she is eligible to do so.  This affidavit, which is included on the AB540 form, is confidential and will not be shared with other agencies.

To see if you may qualify for AB-540/SB-68 status, please use the Immigrants Rising online California In-State Tuition Tool.

To qualify for AB-540 status you must submit the California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request form to the Office of Admissions and Records along with transcripts (unofficial is permitted) from your high school and/or adult school.

Please note that students who are non-immigrants, other than those with a T or U visa (F-1 visa, B visa, etc.) are not eligible for this exemption.

Other Exemptions

Education Code section 68075.6 grants immediate nonresident tuition fee exemptions to eligible Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and refugee students who settled in California upon entering the United States.  This exemption is granted for one year from the date the student settled in California upon entering the United States.

This exemption applies to the following:

  • Iraqi citizens or nationals (and their spouses and children) who were employed by or on behalf of the United States Government in Iraq.
  • Afghan and Iraqi translators (and their spouses and children) who worked directly with the United States Armed Forces
  • Afghanistan nationals who were employed by or on the behalf of the Unites States Government or in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan.
  • Refugee students admitted to the United States under Section 1157 of Title 8 of the United States Code

Members of the armed forces of the United States on active duty, and certain military dependents, may be entitled to classification as California residents. Contact the Admissions and Records Office for more information.