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HomeFacilities Master Plan 2023

Facilities Master Plan 2023

Contra Costa College is currently in the process of developing a Facilities Master Plan (FMP). The FMP is a road map for the future of the CCC campus. It becomes a crucial tool in confirming that short-term projects are working in conjunction with long-term plans and goals.

We value your input to the FMP process. Your insights are crucial as we explore future opportunities, and your feedback plays a pivotal role in shaping our strategy to fully realize the potential of this plan. The survey will remain open until October 24th. Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated!

[button text=”Employee Survey” link=”https://www.menti.com/alrr4r3sqzsp”] [button text=”Student Survey” link=”https://www.menti.com/alm7roukv2qv”]


Key Documents

Steering Committee Members

  1. Dr. Kimberly Rogers
  2. Kenyetta Tribble
  3. Victoria Menzies
  4. Jason Berner
  5. Dr. Mayra Padilla
  6. Rod Santos
  7. Evan Decker
  8. Rene Sporer
  9. Elvia Ornales-Garcia
  10. Ashley Phillips
  11. Dr. George Mills
  12. Classified Senate President
  13. Gabriela Segade
  14. Stephanie Figueroa
  15. Robert Bagany
  16. Jaina Eyestone