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HomeFaculty + Staff ResourcesProfessional Development

Professional Development

The purpose of Professional Development is to design, promote, and support professional development activities that further the mission of the college. Under the guidance of our local committee, the program plans, promotes, and hosts training workshops and other professional development activities for faculty, staff and managers. The skills and knowledge gained through these activities can improve individual and college effectiveness, thereby improving student learning experiences and educational goal fulfillment.

Although the majority of workshops are held during Fall and Spring Flex weeks, programs and workshops are also held throughout the academic year.

As part of the contractual agreement between the District and the United Faculty (see Article 10), the flexible schedule was designed to provide faculty with paid time to participate in professional development activities.

The Authorized PD uses lists and explains nine criteria for qualifying workshops, grants, and variable Flex credit. Go to GROW for all information regarding the calendar of events, mini-grant applications to pay for workshops and training, forms to host a workshop, and more.