If you’re receiving public assistance, CalWORKs can help you get access to vital services.

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California Work Opportunity & Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) is a state-funded Welfare-to-Work program designed to help individuals on public assistance become self-sufficient.

Contra Costa College’s CalWORKs program works together with other campus partners and community agencies to provide comprehensive services that promote self-sufficiency through education, vocational training, and employment.

We strive to help our CalWORKs students obtain lifelong learning through education, and gain access to the work force and a new career, while providing support services that help ensure a successful transition by providing educational and career opportunities combined with an array of high-quality support services that enable students to complete their educational goals, find meaningful employment, and successfully transition into the workforce.

EOPS students:
Please check your InSite mail at least twice per day for updates during this time.  

Student Services Center
phone: 510.215.3949

Mailing Address
2600 Mission Bell Dr., Admissions and Records, SSC Room 115, San Pablo, California 94806

Priority Registration – CalWORKs students are now eligible for Priority Registration. This means that the students are able to register for classes before other students which greatly increases their chances of getting their choice of classes. All 3SP requirements must be completed (orientation, placement and educational plan) must be completed and student must be eligible for CCC CalWORKs.

CalWORKs Work Study – Designed to help CalWORKs students meet their welfare to work requirements and obtain marketable job skills related to their current education/training goals.

Student Educational Plan – A Student Educational Plan is a collaborative map developed by students and our CalWORKs counselor mapping out classes related to the students goals at CCC. Please schedule to meet with one of our CalWORKs counselors whenever you need.

Attendance Verification – Students must complete this form each month indicating the number of hours they are in class and/or studying. Our office verifies immediately (or within 24 hours) and students can then return the form to their worker to fulfill their county requirement.

Textbook and Supplies Voucher – The textbook and supply voucher is used to verify and acquire educational needs for students.

Onsite County Case Workers – Workers from the county’s Hercules and Richmond Department of Employment and Human Services hold office visits at our campus every other Tuesday and Wednesday.

Contra Costa College CalWORKs coordinates with Contra Costa County Employment and Human Services offices in Hercules and Richmond as well as County of Alameda Employment and Human Services to determine eligibility per county, state and federal guidelines. Eligibility is always determined at the beginning of each semester via county cash aid verification form which can be a Welfare to Work plan printout or other county eligibility forms. County cash aid verification must reflect that both the student and an eligible child are receiving cash aid, must be dated by county representatives in the month in which services are requested and stamped or embossed by the county.

Student Eligibility Definitions

County Referred Participant – TANF/cash aid recipient, with at least one eligible child and was referred to the community college by the county welfare office and has an approved Welfare-to-Work plan or is in the process of developing a WTW plan.

Self-Initiated Participant – TANF/cash aid recipient, with at least one eligible child and is attending the community college as a Self-Initiated Program Participant (SIP) and will be obtaining an approved Welfare-to-Work plan through their county welfare office. (See All County Letter 99-32)

Voluntary Exempt – TANF/cash aid recipient, with at least one eligible child but has been exempted from participating in WTW activities by the county for a reason stated in a County Information Notice.

Exempt Student (other) – TANF/cash aid recipient, with at least one eligible child but has been exempted from participating in WTW activities. The college must have documentation in the student’s file proving the student’s exempt status and expiration date.

Post-Employment Participant – This designation applies if the student is off cash assistance due to unsubsidized employment and is in compliance with their county welfare office. The college must verify student employment at the beginning of each term.