If you feel like you need a little extra support, are worried about paying for school, or face other, related challenges, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) might be able to help you out.
It gives extra support to students who are underrepresented in higher education.
EOPS is a state-funded support program that assists low-income and educationally disadvantaged students in pursuing and achieving their educational and career goals.
Connect with Us
Extended Opportunity Programs + Services (EOPS)
Student Services Center, Room 106 |
Student Services Center Hours
Mon – Thurs | 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. |
Friday | 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Extended until 5:00p.m. from January 25 to January 31) |
Contact the Welcome Center or visit department page for more specific operating hours.
Remote Zoom Services Hours Monday -Thursday | 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Friday 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m |
EOPS Students
Please check your InSite mail at least twice per day for updates, and keep these dates in mind.
Contra Costa College
Spring 2025 Academic Calendar and Important EOPS
(Extended Opportunity Program & Services) Dates***
Date | Event |
January 6 | 1st Day for continuing EOPS Students to begin appointments with their EOPS counselor (appts. must be 15 business days apart) |
January20 | Holiday – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day |
January27 | First day of instruction |
February 1 – February 2 | Saturday and Sunday classes begin |
January 27 – February 9 | Late Registration Period – Obtain permission code from your instructor via your campus Insite email then add through Schedule Builder |
February 7 (IP) | Last day to add a full-term class in person |
February 7 (IP) | Last day to drop a full-term class without a “W” appearing on transcript Last day to drop a full-term class with eligibility for fee refund or credit |
February 9 (Online) | Last day to drop full-term classes without a “W” appearing on transcript Last day to ADD a full-term class |
February 10 | Census for full-term courses |
February 14 | Holiday – Lincoln’s Birthday |
February 15 – February 16 | No Saturday/Sunday Classes |
February 17 | Holiday – President’s Day |
February 17 | Contra Costa College Scholarships are due. To see scholarships on the CCC (Contra Costa College) website, go to: https://www.contracosta.edu/admissions/pay-forcollege/scholarships/ |
February 23 | EOPS – Academic Progress Report will be emailed out to you as the EOPS APR LINK. Start setting up your in-person and/or remote office hours with your instructors to check your academic progress. Due date is March 29th. |
February 28 | New EOPS APPLICANTS: ALL EOPS documentation must be submitted electronically into EOPS Intake/Orientation Wufoo Link. You must be registered in all your designated units, all transcripts must be submitted from colleges you have previously attended and if you are in DSPS program, your unit reduction waiver must be submitted to our office. |
February 28 | Highly Recommended: EOPS 1st Appointment completion date. EOPS appts. MUST be at least 15 business days apart / 3 weeks apart. |
March 1 | Last day to petition to graduate and participate in Spring Graduation Ceremony (AKA Commencement) |
March 7 | BOOK SUPPORT DEADLINE: You must use your book grant or get reimbursed for your books. Be sure to purchase your books through the Shopping Cart via the online bookstore and arrange pick up or postal delivery. Please note the bookstore hours, masks recommended, and arrange a pickup time prior to coming onto campus. Here is the link: https://www.contracostabooks.com/ Please keep your receipt for reimbursement (this is only for mandatory textbooks and assess codes) |
March 23 – March 27 | Spring Recess |
March 21 | EOPS-Academic Progress Report (APR) is due at 11:59 PM. |
March 21 | Highly recommended: EOPS 2nd Appt. completion date. EOPS appts. must be 15 business days apart / 3 weeks apart. For late start classes that begin March 31, your classes will be uploaded. APR deadline for late start classes is April 25 |
April 1 | Summer Priority Registration Date Note: Summer classes are OPTIONAL. EOPS does not require taking classes in summer but encourages you to enroll if you are on route to transfer or obtain your certificate/degree. If you decide to take summer classes, you must enroll in at least 3 units or more to be eligible for book support. If you are enrolled in more than 3 units, you must meet with your EOPS Counselor one time to remain eligible for EOPS. |
April 2 | FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and CA Dream act applications due. Go to https://fafsa.ed.gov/ or http://www.csac.ca.gov/dream_act.asp |
April 7 | Summer Priority Registration- to receive EOPS, you must be enrolled in at least three units and meet with a counselor once during summer session. |
April 15 | Last day to file for fall 2025 graduation with the early registration option, see GRAD Tile on Insite |
April 7 – April 25 | E.O.P.S. APR Intervention Alert Weeks: students who are receiving grades of C- or lower, have reported excessive absences, low test scores, missing assignments and/or are in jeopardy of failing a course will be contacted by their E.O.P.S. counselor regarding strategies, policies, and interventions to support your academic progress. |
April 21 – April 22 | EOPS-Fall Priority registration is a must! Check Insite or via email notification to see when your time slot opens. Make sure to register by midnight on your designated priority registration date! |
April 23 – April 24 | EOPS-Fall Priority registration is a must! Check Insite or via email notification to see when your time slot opens. Make sure to register by midnight on your designated priority registration date! |
April 25 | Last day to withdraw from a full-term course with a “W” appearing on transcript Late Start APR deadline for 8 week courses |
May 8 | EOPS Recognition Ceremony (check your college email for more details closer to date) |
May 16 | Last day to choose Pass/No Pass (P/NP) grading option for full-term courses (talk to your counselor find out about advantages and disadvantages) |
May 16 | EOPS 3rd Appt. Deadline. EOPS appts must be 15 business days apart/3 weeks apart |
May 23 | Last day of instruction for Spring |
May 23 | Contra Costa College Graduation, also known as Commencement |
May 26 | Holiday – Memorial Day – College Closed |
May 27 | Summer Session – 8-week classes begin |
May 29 | Grades for full-term classes due by 11:59 PM |
June 9 | Summer Session – 6 week classes begin |
* IMPORTANT NOTE: For short-term classes, the dates to add, receive a refund, or drop are calculated individually for each course based on the length of the course. Therefore, these dates are not included in this calendar. Your “My Class Schedule” on InSite and/or on the roster for the course will include those dates. You may also check with your professor. ** The Student Success Program includes assessment, orientation, and completion of an educational plan *** Students may register online until 11:59pm, the day prior to the first-class meeting.
** The Student Success Program includes assessment, orientation, and completion of an educational plan (Enroll in Couns-108 or
**** Important EOPS Dates are in bold and/or italics. This calendar does not replace dates communicated by email.
Important Contact Information Daily EOPS Remote Office Hours Office hours currently held through Zoom.
Note Office hours on Zoom: 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Select the link or call 16699006833, ID#719314028# US (San Jose)
Must complete 12 units your first semester in EOPS and 9 units every semester thereafter unless you have submitted a D.S.P.S. unit waiver thru fall 2024 |
To cancel, schedule or reschedule appointments, call the EOPS Front Office: (510) 215-3949 or (510) 215-3902 or eops@contracosta.edu If they do not answer right away, call back again or leave a VM.
Or cancel, schedule or reschedule online:
To discuss your EOPS eligibility or status, contact your case coordinator:
Chau Tran (For students whose last name begins with A-L)
EOPS/CARE Case Coordinator, (510) 215-3939
Sarn Saepharn (For students whose last name begins with M-Z)
EOPS Case Coordinator, (510) 215-3940
Counselor and Student Review
Checklist to maintain EOPS eligibility to avoid
losing your EOPS book voucher and/or avoid EOPS ALERT status
Part 1: Three (3) counselor appointments. With your EOPS counselor each semester (Fall/Spring).
1. Optimally, a counseling appointment ought to be one month apart. They must be at least 15 business days apart under extenuating circumstances.
2. A student who see a counselor 3 times per semester will be in good standing. If a student misses one of the three counseling appts. he/she will be placed on EOPS ALERT.
3. If a student misses all three counseling appts. he/she will be exited from the program.
4. Life happens! By policy, EOPS students are allowed to reschedule counseling appointments twice per semester. (Practically speaking, there is no guarantee of available appointments. EOPS appointments fill up fast)
5. 24 hour notice for appts. cancellations: Please give EOPS/CARE Office 24 hours notice. If not, the appointment will be marked as a “No Show” in the EOPS Office. Call 215-3949 to cancel or reschedule. Be patient. The front office is busy.
6. If you show up more 10 minutes late your EOPS counseling appts, your EOPS counselor many see a drop in student and you may have to reschedule, so please come to your appointment on time.
Part 2: Priority Registration
1. You must register for your classes on PR dates. To find your PR ; Check InSite, the EOPS page on the CCC website, or ask your counselor for priority registration dates.
2. Effective Fall 2014: new and continuing fully matriculated EOPS students in good academic standing will get priority registration.
3. Good academic standing means that:
-A. You are not on academic or progress probation for 2 consecutive terms.
-B. You have not completed 100 degree-applicable units.
Part 3: Units Per Semester
1. We want you to progress, to comply with EOPS regulations, you must complete a minimum of 12 units your first semester and a minimum of 9 per semester thereafter, unless you are DSPS.
Part 4: DSPS Waiver:
1. If you are a DSPS student, you may receive a unit waiver to take fewer than the 12 or 9 units per semester. It is your responsibility to get the unit waiver from the DSPS Office at the beginning of each semester.
2. There is a deadline each semester for approving unit waivers.
3. The EOPS Office has a deadline each semester for receiving unit waivers. See “important Dates” on the EOPS web page. It is usually about 6 weeks after instruction starts.
4. If the student does not follow the unit recommendation given by the DSPS Office, the student will be held responsible for the EOPS mandated unit requirement the same as a “non-DSPS student”. For example, if the unit recommendation for you that year is between 3-7 units, and you decided to take more than 7 units, the waiver is “VOID” and you will be held to the EOPS minimum of 9 or 12 units, depending on the term.
5. Students with a certified disability must show progress toward their educational goals.
6. DSPS students are required to enroll in at least 3 units in a given semester in order to receive EOPS services.
Part 5: 70 Degree-applicable units and or associate or a bachelor’s degree
1. Once a student has completed 70 degree-applicable units or associate degree, the student is not eligible for the EOPS/CARE program.
2. Remedial and non-degree units are not added toward your 70-degree applicable units.
Part 6: EOPS Student Alert (We know you are doing your best)
1. But if for some reason, you do not fulfill the EOPS requirements as outlined in the mutual responsibility contact, you will be placed on EOPS program alert status and will receive book grant support only after you comply with all requirements.
2. We are still here for all other services. If you follow through on everything, it is easy to get off EOPS program alert status. While you may not get book support while you are on alert status, you are eligible to receive all “other” support services; Counseling, academic alert (progress report), priority registration, field trips, workshops, cap and gown, etc.
3. EOPS students who complete their EOPS Program requirements as stated on the MRC are in good standing and will receive book support. If not, then they will be placed on EOPS program alert and may not have book support the following semester.
4. If for some reason, a student from the EOPS program and can reapply to the EOPS program after a year has passed, We welcome you to apply again after a full academic year.
Part 7: EOPS/CARE Student Alert Status (which prevents you from receiving the book support or the CARE grant)
1. Please consult with the EOPS/CARE Case Coordinator for additional review. Your Case Coordinator’s information is on the EOPS page on the website. If, after meeting with the case coordinator, you are not satisfied with the decision, you may ask to speak with the EOPS/CARE Program Manager for additional review. S/he will review your case if the circumstance was beyond your control. (you are required to submit documentation)
Part 8: CARE Program (We know being a parent is demanding when you are student)
1. If you are a CARE student and you happen to be on EOPS probation services only, you will receive the CARE grant when you are back in good standing with the EOPS program and enrolled in required units.
Part 9: Double Dipping for the book grant (The state does not allow)
1. EOPS students who receive book grants from other state sources, such as the State Department of Rehabilitation or county social services department, unfortunately, are not eligible for the EOPS book grant.
2. A student who are not eligible for the book grant can receive EOPS book services such as eligibility for the EOPS scholarship, counseling, parking permit or bus pass (if available) priority registration, academic alert, field trip, workshops, etc.
Part 10: International Transcripts
1. International transcripts must be evaluated by an academic professional evaluation service before applying for the EOPS/CARE Program.
2. If you wish, you may use these services for international transcript evaluations. Academic and professional international evaluation (APIE) phone#: (562) 594-6498 or website: www.apie.org
Part 11: English as a Second Language (ESL)
1. Students who are eligible to enroll in Level II and above ESL courses are eligible for the EOPS programs.
Part 12: New EOPS/CARE Students
1. All students entering the EOPS/CARE Program who have post-secondary transcripts with grade point average below 2.0 GPA will be placed on “alert status” with services if accepted into the program.
Part 13: Check your “E-Mail” Daily
1. All communications from the EOPS program will be delivered via college InSite portal email.
2. The EOPS/CARE Program may send confidential information to you and will assume the contact information you provide is strictly for you only. EOPS/CARE is “not” liable for breach of confidentiality if you have given someone else access to your mailing or email address.
3. We respect you. For marketing purposes (photographs/ videotaped), we want to show who we are. The materials will be used for outreach purposes and promotion of the EOPS/CARE program only.
4. If you don’t want to be photographed or videotaped, you need to let us know at the time of this event. (Your request to not be photographed or videotaped will be honored)
EOPS/CARE Policies and Procedures are subject to change per the discretion of the EOPS/CARE Director, Title V guideline, EOPS Implementing Guidelines, or Budget Restraints.
EOPS/CARE Office: 11/2023-PP
EOPS students are required to meet with a counselor three times per semester. The appointments should be no less than 15 business days (three weeks) apart.
Ways EOPS Can Help
- Book vouchers
- Counseling
- School supplies
- Calculator and textbook loans
- Priority registration
- Parking permits
- Bus passes
- Transfer scholarships
- Transfer application fees
- EOPS scholarships
- Useful workshops
It also hosts some pretty cool activities throughout the semester, including a summer academy where you get to visit cultural destinations like museums and universities.
And—maybe most important of all—it offers regular chances to connect one-on-one with your instructors. That can be a real advantage when it comes to understanding the material and getting higher grades.
Thanks to all that support, EOPS students are more likely to succeed than they otherwise would have been. For example, in recent years, EOPS students have been as much as 20% more likely than other students to stay in school.
How to Qualify
To use EOPS services, you have to be:
- A California resident
- Enrolled in 12 or more units
- Eligible for the California Promise Grant
- And have less than 70 degree-applicable units.
You also need to identify yourself as having at least one of these educational disadvantages:
- Being a first-generation college student
- Placing below college level English or math
- Speaking English as your second language
- Having a high school GPA below 2.5
- Or not having a high school diploma or GED, at all.
But, the application is a lot easier than you would think. Almost everything is self-reported, so you won’t need a high school transcript or tax forms.
How to Sign Up
Just do the following (if you haven’t, already):
- Apply to attend Contra Costa College
- Apply for federal student aid or California Promise Grant fee waiver
- Submit all transcripts from any colleges you have previously attended to the Admissions & Records Office. (If you can’t get an official transcript because you owe fees, an unofficial one will work for now.)
- Complete and submit the EOPS application
If you need help or have any questions about EOPS or how to apply, come by the EOPS/CARE + CalWORKS office, or give us a call. We’d be happy to help.
Summer Academy
The EOPS Summer Academy is sponsored and administered by the Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) department. It helps students develop the skills and tools necessary to succeed in college. We connect students with peer mentors who provide guidance in helping to make the adjustment and rigor of the college life a little smoother. Summer Academy students also have the opportunity to visit cultural destination like museums and universities. The purpose of this academy is to assist high school seniors and re-entry students transition into higher education. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for college level academic studies.
Peer Mentorship
Taking the first step into the college environment can be challenging.
EOPS/CARE/Calworks peer mentors are here to provide guidance in helping to make the adjustment and rigor of college life a little smoother.
Peer Mentor Coordinator: DeEboni Herron Noureddine
Contact: eopspeers@contracosta.edu