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HomeAboutCollege Faculty + StaffRené Sporer
René Sporer - Dean of Natural, Social and Applied Sciences

René Sporer

Science, Technology, Engineering + Mathematics

René Sporer comes to Contra Costa College with nearly 20 years’ experience serving community college students in California. She has spent the last 14 years at the San Ramon Campus of Diablo Valley College, and prior to that, five years at Porterville College.

René chaired both the Mathematics Department and the Math and Science Department at the DVC San Ramon Campus. She has taught math at both campuses, piloting Statway, teaching in the PACE program for returning adult learners, guiding the department through the AB705 transition, and teaching the new support classes over the last two semesters.

René is a co-author of the textbook Data Analysis, An Applied Approach to Statistics with Technology, and has served on numerous committees. Much of her committee work focuses on assisting the college in creating a better student experience. She served as the co-chair of the Research, Planning and Evaluation Committee (RPEC), and represented RPEC on the College Council. She is the co-creator DVC’s Data Coaching Program and has held several positions in the Guided Pathways effort over the last three years. She has served on the Educational Master Plan Steering Committee, the Academic Senate, and the Chartering Co-Advisor for Phi Theta Kappa, International Honor Society for two year colleges, at the San Ramon Campus. Other college experience includes accreditation, Program Review and working with the Measure E bond team.

René completed her education as a returning student, earning an associate degree from Bakersfield College, a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from California State University, Bakersfield, and a Master’s Degree in Statistics from the University of California, Santa Barbara. As a product of the California Community College system, René sees the value in the educational and vocational opportunities offered at the California Community Colleges and has dedicated her career to helping all students reach their goals.