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Success + Retention Services

HomeStudent Services + SupportSuccess + Retention Services

At CCC, your success is our priority. We celebrate your achievements with the Dean’s List and ensure your transcript reflects your honors when you graduate.

However, we understand that challenges can arise. If they do, reach out to us early to avoid further obstacles and get the support you need.

Struggling in a class or facing academic difficulties? We’re here to help. Contact us as soon as you need assistance. We can connect you with tutoring, advocate for your interests, and provide the resources and strategies you need to stay on track and achieve your goals.

If you find yourself on academic alert or dismissal, don’t worry. We’re here to guide you through it. We’ll help you get off academic alert and connect you with the right departments, such as financial aid and admissions, to clear things up.

Student Services Building, Room 113

Don’t Go It Alone!

We’ve got a full range of student services, and we’re excited to help you out however we can!

We're here to help

Carla Matute

Senior Program Coordinator

Student Success + Retention

LeiTasika Faumuina

Program Assistant

Student Success + Retention

Understand Your Academic Standing

All CCC students have a certain academic standing. That can range from honors, to good standing, to academic/progress alert 1 or 2, or even academic/progress dismissal.

Check out the list below to learn more about the various types of academic standing, and what they mean.

And, remember that whatever your current standing is, you can always reach out to us if you need a hand.

If you’re on the Dean’s List, congrats! That means that you took 12 or more units that semester, and earned a GPA of 3.0 or higher. We’ll note that in your academic record, and you might consider including it on your resume or applications, because that’s pretty awesome.

If you earn an associate degree with a cumulative GPA between 3.25 and 3.74 in all of your degree-applicable courses, you’ll also be an honors graduate.

And, if you complete an associate degree with a cumulative GPA of 3.75 of higher in all of your degree-applicable courses, you’ll officially be a President’s Scholar, which is pretty darned impressive.

Don’t be shy about showing it off!

If you took 12 or more units in a semester, earned a GPA of 2.0 or higher, and finished 50% or more of those units with grades other than W, I, NC/NP, well-done! You’re in good academic standing. That means you’re on track to graduate, and your grades shouldn’t affect your ability to register for classes or collect financial aid.

If you’re on academic or progress Alert Level 1, you probably ran into a few obstacles the last semester that you were taking classes.

Academic Alert Level 1 means that you earned a cumulative GPA below 2.0 for one semester.

Progress Alert Level 1 means that you didn’t complete 50% or more of your units. In other words, you received a W, NP, NC, or I instead of a letter grade.

If either of those things happen, a hold will be placed on your record, so you won’t be able to drop or add classes until you complete our online 4CD Student Success Workshop.

Your enrollment transactions (i.e. dropping and/or paying for a course) must be completed at the Admissions and Records window.

You should also definitely reach out to us about finding ways to make sure this doesn’t happen again, because if it happens next semester, you’ll wind up on Alert Level 2. We can also help navigate other things you might need to do, like work with financial aid and admissions + records to clear up any issues you’re facing there.

Give us a call! We’re here to help.

Academic Alert Level 2 means that for two consecutive semesters within the district, you earned a cumulative GPA below 2.0.

Progress Alert Level 2 means that for two consecutive semesters within the district, you didn’t complete 50% or more of your units. In other words, you received a W, NP, NC, or I instead of a letter grade.

Consecutive semesters shall be those consecutive semesters in which you enrolled, even if you skip one or take classes at another campus in the district (LMC or DVC). Consecutive terms will be counted beginning with the end of the first term of academic or progress deficiency.

If either of those things happen, a hold will be placed on your record, so you won’t be able to drop or add classes until you complete the Back on Track Workshop.

After you sign up for a workshop, you will receive an e-mail to your school Insite e-mail with more instructions.

Your enrollment transactions (i.e. dropping and/or paying for a course) must be completed at the Admissions and Records window.

And, if it happens a third time, you will be placed on Dismissal status, which you definitely do not want. So, please reach out to us and let us help you out. We’re here to help you succeed–it’s right there in our name!

If your GPA falls below 2.0 for three consecutive terms within the district, you will be placed on Academic Dismissal.

If you earn W, I, NP, or NC in 50% or more of your attempted units for three consecutive terms within the district, you will be placed on Progress Dismissal.

Consecutive semesters shall be those consecutive semesters in which you enrolled, even if you skip one or take classes at another campus in the district (LMC or DVC). Consecutive terms of alert will be counted beginning with the end of the first term of academic or progress deficiency.

Honestly, this is a pretty big deal.

The first thing you need to do is attend a Reinstatement Workshop.

After you sign up for a workshop, you will receive an e-mail to your school Insite e-mail with more instructions.

After you complete the workshop, you will also need to meet with a CCC counselor and complete a Petition for Reinstatement. The petitions are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and there is no guarantee of approval.

And, of course, you’ll need to earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better and complete 100% of your attempted units next semester.

Your enrollment transactions (i.e. dropping and/or paying for a course) must be completed at the Admissions and Records window.

Through all of this, you will definitely need to be working with us. You’re going to need guidance and an advocate on campus to get back on track.