Spring Registration

Spring class registration is open! Classes start on January 27. Search the online schedule for in-person, hybrid, and online classes. Check your registration date and time on InSite by clicking the Registration tile. Don’t forget to register early!

HomeAround CampusStudent Life, Clubs + OrganizationsAssociated Student Union (ASU)
Student Life Office

Student + Administration Building, Room 101



Associated Student Union

Make a Difference at CCC! 

The Associated Students of CCC represent student interests on college and district committees, councils, and task forces. Get involved and make your voice heard!

​The Associated Student Union of Contra Costa College (ASUCCC) is the official student government at CCC. Their primary purpose is to advance the welfare of all students. They do this by providing programs and services designed to meet the varied needs of students, sponsoring activities and events, and representing the student body on many College and District committees, as well as state-wide advocacy.

Every Wednesday from 4:00pm-5:30pm

In-person — SAB 107​

Want to add to our meeting?
Request to be, or put something on the agenda no later than Friday at 4pm by emailing asu@contracosta.edu

All are welcome to attend in person, and via Zoom as a member of the public: ​
ASU Zoom Link

ASU Senator Application

  1. A cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 or better
  2. Enrolled in at least 5 units at Contra Costa College
  3. Complete ASU Senator Application
  4. Participate in 30-day probation period

This position is a volunteer role to serve as an ASU Student Representative for a semester. Student Representatives will sit on at least one college committee, attend the regularly scheduled meetings of the committee and report back to the ASUCCC Board.

Student Rep Application

  1. A cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 or better
  2. Enrolled in at least 5 units at Contra Costa College
  3. Complete ASU Student Representative Application
  4. Participate in Student Representative Training

Your $5 student activity fee allows the Contra Costa College Associated Students Union (ASU) to fund a variety of programs and services that directly benefit our student community.

Here’s how your contribution makes a difference:

  • Free School Supplies:
    Over 3,500 students receive essential school supplies.
  • Emergency Transportation:
    $7,000 worth of bus passes and gas cards are provided through Single Stop.
  • Scholarships:
    $10,000 in scholarships for new and continuing students, middle college, and graduating high school seniors.
  • Book Rental Program:
    $15,000 contributed to reduce rental prices for all students.
  • Veteran Support:
    Bookstore grants to support our veteran students.
  • Library Resources:
    New textbooks on reserve in the library for all students.

Your fee helps create a vibrant, supportive campus environment. If you wish to opt out, please contact the Student Life Office. Refund requests must be submitted to the cashier’s office before the last day of the refund period, as outlined in the course schedule or catalog.

Student Resources

At Contra Costa College, we provide essential resources to support your academic journey. Our comprehensive support services are designed to help you succeed in your studies, manage personal challenges, prepare for your career, and smoothly transition to four-year institutions.

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